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KMWorld NewsLinks - July 23, 2019


Data quality goes mainstream

As organizations continue to recognize the value of data as an asset, the market for data quality solutions will grow.

How to search Twitter

The search features available in the Twitter search box are quite extensive and include Boolean, special terms or "field" qualifiers such as hashtags, and even qualifiers reflecting the nature of the content or "sentiment"

How to Define KM for Your Organization (Video)

Capture, manage, share, find: Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago VP for KM Hyan Syed describes how his organization has defined its KM implementation in this clip from his presentation at KMWorld 2018.


LexisNexis Legal & Professional and Knowable form joint venture

LexisNexis Legal & Professional says its investment in Knowable underscores the promise and potential of contract data analytics 

Alfresco launches 5-week cloud migration service 

Enables enterprises to migrate documents from existing storage repositories to Alfresco's cloud-native digital business platform   

ASG Technologies develops partner program

Partners will collaborate with ASG on product, program and policy direction

Vote today for the KMWorld Readers' Choice Awards

Winners will be showcased in a special section on the KMWorld website and in the November/December 2019 edition of KMWorld magazine!

KM In Practice

BMC Helix helps university to transform its service management

The George Washington University is delivering next-gen cognitive service management with BMC Helix


Today's contact centers: Q&A with Anand Janefalkar, founder and CEO of UJET 

Today's contact centers need to create seamless data flows and connect information between new and existing systems and technologies, according to Anand Janefalkar, founder and CEO of UJET