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September/October 2021, Trend-Setting Products 2021 [Volume 30, Issue 5]


Intelligent document processing: ABBYY - Vantage 2

With the ABBYY Marketplace filled with skills for any document type, Vantage puts the power of advanced intelligent document processing technology into the hands of more people with a "skill for that."

The Value of Active File Management Service: Access Corporation - Access Unify

At its core, Access Unify helps to improve turnaround times, efficiency, cost savings and productivity.

Better search, discovery, and retrieval of information: Access Innovations, Inc. - Data Harmony

Access Innovations is taking on cutting edge projects with our clients and partners to forward the implementation of thesauri, taxonomies, and ontologies, supporting better search, discovery, and retrieval of information.

Solving the most complex workflow challenges: Accusoft - PrizmDoc Suite

Shorten your development cycles and unleash the power of Accusoft's proprietary code to improve productivity, provide actionable data, and deliver results that matter.

Bringing Efficiency & Insight to Every Process that Runs on Data: Adlib Software

By being able to readily access the data that matters—and disregard the data that doesn't —enterprises reduce risk, augment processes, and reach a whole new level of performance.

Search Experiences that Get the Right Results: BA Insight - SmartHub

Providing relevant, connected, and actionable web-like search experiences for your website visitors, customers on your portal, and employees.

Collect, Connect, and Democratize Your Organization’s Knowledge with Bloomfire

Thanks to Bloomfire's deep indexing capabilities, all content becomes searchable—even the words spoken in video and audio files.

Knowledge Graphs for a Modern Data Architecture: Franz Inc. - AllegroGraph

The rich functional and contextual integration of multi-modal, predictive modeling and artificial intelligence is what distinguishes AllegroGraph as a modern, scalable, enterprise knowledge platform.

Powerful, easy-to-use data management, processing, and analysis solution: Mindbreeze - InSpire

Smart companies, leaders, and CEOs are now mapping out the "upgrade" they'll need to remain competitive and keep their employees happy and productive in the next normal.Without exception, these considerations have to involve ways to maintain a seamless flow of information between autonomous teams in hybrid-remote work arrangements—which includes minimizing the time employees waste searching for relevant information.

AI-as-a-Service Platform for Content and KM: Pryon

With Pryon, companies can reach their KM goals in every department by enabling better customer experiences, greater employee productivity, and more efficient operations.

Modern customer service—More social, more intelligent

Efficiency has been a big motivator for the use of RPA; in customer support applications, a goal has been to use bots to help agents reduce handle time for customer calls.

Top considerations for ECM and content services

Content services' contemporary reliance on advanced analytics and cloud connectivity means more than an improved ability to meet its goals—which are increasingly taking the form of process automation.

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2021

To help showcase advanced products and services, each year KMWorld magazine looks for offerings that are designed to help organizations derive greater benefit from their information, share knowledge efficiently, make better decisions, enable compliance, effectively support employees, and communicate seamlessly with customers.

What’s ahead at KMWorld 2021

Jane Dysart, KMWorld conference chair, and founding partner and curator of curiosity, Dysart & Jones Associates, provides a look at what's ahead for KMWorld 2021 attendees. The conference will be held November 15-18, 2021 at the JW Marriott Washington, DC


Content intelligence 101

As digital initiatives focus more on experience, personalization, and conversant interactions, a new dimension of automation is emerging that goes beyond just data


David Weinberger

The knowledge Zoom

In choosing to disclose something about one's personality and interests—even though it's kept literally in thebackground—people are acknowledging that personality and personhood matter to the discussion.

The Future of the Future

Making the jump to hyperdrive

The new, all-digital workforce will be made from a combination of AI, machine learning, computer vision, naturallanguage understanding, robotics, and more.

Ethical Innovation

The big opportunity for knowledge management

It may well be stating the obvious but we will not be returning to the old ways of working, even though some of us, myself included (as it turns out, I am in the minority), would like to.

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