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KMWorld Staff

Articles by KMWorld Staff

Microsoft announces improvements to Copilot


The award-winning organization demonstrates how it goes beyond simply delivering technology to working with clients to ensure that both the technology and knowledge processes are embedded into the work processes


The award-winning organization demonstrates how it goes beyond simply delivering technology to working with clients to ensure that both the technology and knowledge processes are embedded into the work processes

2022 KM REALITY AWARD WINNER: Walmart and Enterprise Knowledge, LLC

The winners of the KM Promise and KM Reality awards are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management

Looking to the Future of Knowledge Management: 2020 Insight

Throughout all KM solutions and services, a wave of modern technologies, such as AI, machine learning, natural language processing, and others, are serving to enhance traditional capabilities. As we enter a new year—and a new decade—there is an opportunity to reflect on what is happening now and what may lie ahead in the world of knowledge man­agement solutions and services to deliver more timely and targeted insights to users when and where they need it.

How IBM's Watson supports digital engagement and enablement (Video)

IBM's Phaedra Boinodiris discusses real-world education and content curation applications for IBM's Watson in this clip from her keynote at KMWorld 2018

Advice to KM practitioners: Be a chef, don't rely on recipes

Video interview with Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Cognitive Edge at the KMWorld 2015 conference

The truth about BYOD

SharePoint Symposium 2010
A dose of reality

KMWorld 2010: New decade, location

It’s all in the (SourceOne) family

Mark Logic and MOSS connect

NewsGator’s social debut

Gartner reports on the status of open source, SaaS

FRCP compliance—still a ways off

What about SMBs? Opportunities ahead