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  • February 27, 2013
  • News

Simplifying big data access and delivery

Pentaho is introducing new templates for its Instaview big data discovery application to make it easier for IT to access and analyze big data sources. Beginning with the release of a Twitter template, Pentaho will roll out templates for MongoDB, Amazon Redshift, Google Analytics and Cloudera Impala on a weekly basis for download from the Pentaho site.

Pentaho says Instaview cuts the time it takes for data analysts to discover, visualize and explore large volumes of diverse data. Using a three-step visual process, the Instaview templates enable users to manipulate metadata without having to delve into the complexities of accessing the underlying data.

The company says Instaview templates provide a visual interface to Pentaho Data Integration and give instant access to the following sources:

  • Twitter—access large volumes of fast-moving, unstructured data in Twitter feeds to spot trends, make correlations between conversations and better understand customer behavior;
  • Mongo DB—analyze large amounts of data in this increasingly popular, scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database, often used in gaming and commerce;
  • Amazon Redshift—eliminate extensive hand-coding and IT effort to access this cost-effective data warehouse and analyze large volumes of data;
  • Google Analytics—visualize and analyze pervasive Web analytics data to spot trends, identify customer website behavior and improve marketing campaign performance; and
  • Cloudera Impala—reach Hadoop data without writing a complex batch-oriented MapReduce job to run queries and discover insights in near real time.

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