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Comintelli, Jesper Martell CEO: View From the Top

Are you suffering from Infobesity?
Since the beginning of the IT-era, the amount of information we need to deal with on a day-to-day basis has increased dramatically. It is now difficult for many organizations to keep track of, update and access the information in an efficient way. The company no longer knows what the company knows. We are getting more and more infobese. Here is the reality:

  • 80 % of the information in the average company is unstructured and hard to find
  • 43 % think that important decisions are delayed and their abilities to make decisions are affected as a result of having too much information
  • 15-30 % of knowledge workers' time is spent seeking information and those fruitless searches cost Fortune 500 companies alone $8.5 billion a year in lost productivity

Comintelli is a Swedish software company that was founded in 1999. Our mission is to reduce information overload by filtering information according to user's specific needs. Our software Knowledge XChangerTM gathers information from different sources into one single place and automatically structures it, which helps you to:

  • Quickly find and access the right information
  • Make faster and better decisions
  • Minimize duplicate work in global organizations

Knowledge XChangerTM is designed to be interoperable and can easily integrate with third-party products, such as Microsoft SharePoint. Contact us today for a free demo!

Kista Science Tower,
Kista, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 663 76 00
Email: contact@comintelli.com
Web: www.comintelli.com

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