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  • March 28, 2012
  • News

Enter the agile, social intranet

Jive Software has introduced the Social Intranet Solution, which it touts as a new, highly engaging and agile solution that promotes user adoption. Jive claims traditional intranets have been designed to manage content rather than promote and facilitate a collaborative work environment.

The company also has announced a gamification module for internal social networks and external communities. Jive Gamification, which is powered by Bunchball, uses game mechanics to accelerate adoption, encourage ongoing engagement and reward specific behaviors. For example, companies can motivate employees to complete training, assist in sales pursuits or share ideas for new products and services.

Jive reports its Social Intranet Solution includes the functionality and best practices required to build robust and vibrant internal social networks. Further, the solution adapts to user needs based on social analytics to create personalized and relevant experiences, says Jive. The solution seamlessly integrates out of the box with Microsoft Outlook, Office and SharePoint, enabling users to work in familiar environments while still participating fully in the social intranet. Popular mobile and tablet devices, such Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad, are also supported. Additionally, it can integrate with other business systems, and includes guidance, user training and techniques for rollout, adoption and measuring benefits, the company says.

Jive further emphasizes the following features:

  • easy document creation and editing, content sharing and extensive search capabilities;
  • intelligent recommendations and filtered activity streams, alerting users to the information and experts most important to their work; and
  • enterprise-level controls for security, privacy, permissions and compliance.

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