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Brainware, James Zubok President: View From the Top

Brainware, Inc. is an innovative provider of intelligent data capture and enterprise search solutions that help Global 2000 companies eliminate costly manual data entry, rapidly process large volumes of documents and retrieve data from across the enterprise. Our solutions were built from the ground up to manage unstructured data without templates, exact definitions, taxonomies or indexing.

Brainware's intelligent data capture solution, Brainware Distiller, eliminates 80 to 90% or more of the keystrokes required to manually enter information from unstructured documents such as invoices, purchase orders, remittance statements, medical claims, EOBs, bills of lading and more. Brainware Globalbrain enables users to quickly and easily search for information by using simple queries comprised of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs or even entire documents of text rather than complex Boolean logic or complicated taxonomies.

These data capture and search solutions are powered by the patented Brainware engine, a unique learning technology that analyzes, understands and responds to information with human-like intelligence. Through intelligent features such as auto-recognition of new data and document types and the use of fuzzy logic to enhance data validation, Brainware's intelligent data capture and enterprise search solutions generate productivity levels unmatched in the industry.

Brainware customers include Airbus, Alcon, Anadarko, BB&T, Baylor Health Care System, BSkyB, Clear Channel Communications, Cleveland Clinic, Continental Airlines, CORT, Frontier Communications, Gardner Denver, Halliburton, Her Majesty's Prison Service, Johns Manville, KPMG, NEC, Newell Rubbermaid, Old Dominion Freight Line, Philip Morris International, Rabobank, Resurrection Health Care, Reynolds & Reynolds, Shell, Southern Company, Sun Chemical, TriZetto and many others.

For more information, please visit www.brainware.com

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