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Trend-Setting Products of 2011:
Clarabridge: Sentiment and Text Analytics Platform and
ISYS Document Filters

Clarabridge: Sentiment and Text Analytics Platform
Clarabridge provides a universal view of customers for Global 1000 enterprises through transforming text-based customer feedback into customer experience insight. Clarabridge collects all sources of customer feedback, transforms it using Natural Language Processing (NLP), categorizes the content, performs on an 11-point sentiment scoring and delivers customer insights enterprise-wide though a variety of interfaces.

It is the only enterprise-scale platform that offers an end-to-end experience from data acquisition through linguistic processing, and ultimately, enterprise reporting, all delivered as a single, fully integrated environment. The Clarabridge platform is built to scale and can easily accommodate real-time data processing; high volume of data captures, and does so with fast availability to analytical data.

Key Features:

  • Simple, easy-to-use user interface
  • Universal data collection and processing
  • High-fidelity Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engine
  • Advanced Categorization and Classification
  • Dynamic Sentiment Analysis
  • Reports & Visualizations

Clarabridge customers include AOL, B/E Aerospace, Choice Hotels, Expedia, Gaylord Hotels, Intuit, J.D. Power, Marriott International, Nissan, QVC, Inc., Sage North America, United Airlines, Walmart, Walgreens and Wendy's International. Clarabridge is privately held with headquarters in Reston, Va. and offices in San Francisco, Boston and the United Kingdom.

For more information, visit http://www.clarabridge.com or Twitter: @clarabridge.

11400 Commerce Park Dr.
Suite 500
Reston VA 20191

PH: 571.299.1800
Contact: inforequest@clarabridge.com
Web: www.clarabridge.com
Twitter: @clarabridge

ISYS Search Software: ISYS Document Filters

ISYS Scores a 10.0 for Performance
Next-generation ISYS Document Filters 10.0 delivers high-performance text extraction and high-definition rendering for application vendors needing to help clients address gaps in the analysis of unstructured content.

As organizations start to understand how unstructured content is driving the move to ‘Big Data', the need for software that can analyze that data to drive decision-making is growing.

ISYS Document Filters 10.0 allows deeper textual analytics of unstructured content, enabling vendor's clients to derive greater value from their Big Data than ever before in areas like data mining and text analytics, archiving and data loss prevention, e-discovery and forensic analysis, enterprise content management, universal information access and enterprise-class open source search.

What vendors get with ISYS Document Filters 10.0

  • Comprehensive enterprise platform, file and email format support, plus archives and containers (e.g. ZIPs, MSGs)
  • Powerful ‘Deep Inspection' technology that mines even previously hidden content
  • Coverage of all character sets and encoding, including Unicode
  • Super-fast performance - even on standard desktops
  • Flexibility to enhance pre-existing open source solutions
  • Seamless, secure and customized migration
  • Quick installation

Why you should choose ISYS

  • One of just three commercial solutions available
  • Only company actively investing in R&D and innovating to customer needs
  • Heritage of technology collaboration with partners
  • Chosen by leaders like Sybase, MarkLogic, Attensity, Proofpoint, Equivio and SAIC TeraText

If you're an Oracle Outside In or Autonomy KeyView customer, you need to talk to ISYS.

Enter the ISYS Code ISY-7YX8 at www.isys-search.com to download the product brochure, request to try the product, or speak to an ISYS representative to find out more.

ISYS Search Software, Inc.
Denver Technology Center
8765 E Orchard Rd
Denver, CO 80111

Phone: 800.992.4797
Fax: 303.689.9997
Web: www.isys-search.com

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