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  • January 3, 2011
  • News

Open source enterprise search

Lucid Imagination has unveiled LucidWorks Enterprise, a new search solution development platform built transparently on Solr/Lucene by the company. It includes a full and openly accessible current version of Apache Solr, although developers need not be Solr to use it, says Lucid Imagination.

The software enables better Solr-based search applications more quickly and easily, says Lucid Imagination. It builds atop Solr with an Admin UI and a REST API to streamline search app development, plus the new Click Scoring Relevancy Framework, Alerts, smart defaults, built-in data/document acquisition, multiple collections, document and role-level security, and more.

Further, with full transparent access to Solr designed in, developers get faceted navigation, auto-suggest, spellcheck, SolrCloud and one of Solr's latest innovations: field collapsing. Nearly 90 different open source tools and modules (such as Aperture, Zookeeper and Tika) are in the product, all integrated and tested to work together within the LucidWorks Enterprise platform.

Optional subscription support for development starts at $36,000; for production deployment, a support subscription is required.

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