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  • September 4, 2008
  • News

Better e-discovery

Recommind has released Version 3.0 of its Axcelerate eDiscovery software. The product include Recommind's First-Pass Review and One-Click Coding, which are designed to work with any language and any type of structured or unstructured data. Recommind says the technology enables Axcelerate eDiscovery to automatically organize even multi-terabyte document sets prior to review for deep, early case assessment while also automatically "pre-coding" an entire collection based on each document's subject matter and priority.

In V. 3.0, Recommind has added automated language detection and filtering, including double-byte languages, allowing the system to index, cull, filter, search, review and code documents in a wide variety of languages. Further, says the company, Axcelerate eDiscovery 3.0 provides built-in workflow management and review administration. An integrated workflow console automates multi-tiered reviews and rules-based review batching, enabling more efficient resource management and multilayered coding verification. Also, says Recommind, a completely new administration console offers built-in quality control management, detailed reporting and extensive system and performance monitoring and alerting.

The company reports that other new capabilities include:

  • Smart Filters 2.0--filters are automatically populated with critical data with which a collection can be instantly manipulated, including key concepts, key phrases, domain, language and many more; users can also now multi-select within and across filters and expand any filter using intuitive "type ahead" technology;
  • native file viewing--any one of hundreds of different file types can be viewed instantly;
  • enhanced processing--documents can be processed, filtered, culled and de-duped from within Axcelerate eDiscovery; and
  • faster indexing performance--attorneys can begin reviewing and coding documents almost immediately.

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