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Common Records Management Roadblocks

Produced by Steve Nathans-Kelly

Keeping data secure and organized is a challenge at many organizations. It’s also a challenge to effectively manage these records in order to find the information you may need.

At KMWorld 2022 Angela Pitts, Enterprise Knowledge consultant, discussed common barriers to effective records management.

“You’re always going to have roadblocks, so just prepare for them,” Pitts said. Common roadblocks encountered during records management projects includes security and legal holds; unfunded mandates and difficulty getting buy-in from stakeholders; systems limitations; backlog management and reassessment of goals and outcomes.

“We always find it’s best to be agile and come from an agile mindset,” Pitts said.

One way to prepare to win over stakeholders is to market the project, always know the return on investment, she explained.

“Don’t focus so much on compliance because some people don’t measure that risk the same way,” Pitts said. “They may be willing to take those risks that they shouldn’t take. Instead, show them where the value it.”

Dealing with systems there is going to have to be synchronization of metadata for flow across the different systems.

“The road is not straight, you’re going to have detours,” Pitts said. “You have to really account for when the project veers into a different direction. Be agile and ready for that to occur.”

Save the Date for KMWorld 2023—November 6–9, 2023—JW Marriott | Washington, DC!

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