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Appfire and monday.com partner to expand their workflow optimization reach

Appfire, the enterprise collaboration application provider, is announcing its recent partnership with monday.com, a work OS for creating tools and processes to manage workflows, with the aim of growing the monday.com app marketplace. The partnership is also accompanied by several application releases, beginning with Planning Poker and Dashboard Hub, to maximize user workflow and expand monday.com’s customer use cases.

monday.com’s marketplace is the launching pad for teams building applications that perfect workflows and operations amid complex digital transformations. With over 1.5 million visitors, 380,000 app installs, and over 220 apps built, monday.com’s marketplace will be broadened in its applicability with the help of Appfire.

“We created the monday.com app marketplace to expand the capabilities of the monday.com platform. The monday.com Work OS serves hundreds of industries and focuses on many aspects of work—meaning developers can address an endless number of use cases without limiting themselves to specific sectors or solutions,” explained Tal Haramati, tech lead at monday.com. “Our marketplace apps further extend monday.com’s capabilities as we empower developers to interact with the core building blocks of our platform—boards, items, widgets, templates, and integration— and make them interact with each other in any way they see fit.”

“In today’s hybrid workforce, teams can get stuck navigating between tools that cause unnecessary friction and frustration,” said Andy Boyd, SVP of product management and growth at Appfire. “Appfire is excited to bring its experience in enabling teams to deliver their best work to the monday.com app marketplace. In addition, the ever-growing ecosystem enables monday.com customers to address a broader set of use cases to fuel innovation and collaboration across their teams.”

Appfire plans to release several apps for monday.com’s customers, ranging in use cases from collaboration to planning, visualization, delivery, and work tracking. The collaborating enterprise’s initial application release includes Planning Poker, an interactive planning app, and Dashboard Hub, a reporting app.

“We were really intentional about pursuing this partnership, given Appfire’s reputation in the industry and knowing the positive impact that it could have on our customers. We know Appfire is planning to release multiple apps to enhance our users’ workflows and enable monday.com to address a wider set of use cases and pain points,” said Haramati. “In partnering with an industry giant like Appfire, we’re doubling down on our commitment in elevating our marketplace and bringing our users the best-in-class apps for every professional need they have.”

Planning Poker empowers agile planning for teams dealing with project management and software development, extending the native functionality of monday.com’s Work OS. Useful for hybrid, in-person, and distributed teams, Planning Poker improves development planning and the ability to deliver project-based work. 

Dashboard Hub’s reporting capabilities power better decision making with unified views of data via versatile dashboards. The app reveals insights on the monday.com platform or through connecting multiple data sources from work management platforms such as Jira and Confluence. Dashboard Hub features leaderboards, custom charts, formulas, metrics, and templates to better enable monday.com users to collaborate and communicate upon enterprise data.

For more information about Appfire and monday.com’s partnership, please visit https://appfire.com/ or https://monday.com/.

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