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View From The Top: KnowNow

KnowNow brings Web 2.0 to the Enterprise

RSS feeds are flooding the web. Each day thousands of new RSS sources - from media sites, search services, industry and governmental databases,and other knowledge repositories as well as blogs - are pumping information in this new format. The biggest win from RSS is the ability to subscribe to information rather than having to visit a web site or prospect for it with a search query.

Enterprises can tap the tremendous potential of RSS to organize enterprise data and reduce information overload. While personal RSS readers work for consumers, enterprises require an industrial grade RSS solution to manage content. An enterprise needs to filter for both group and personal relevancy, share consistent views of information streams across the extended enterprise, and determine priorities for content delivery. Relevant public content should be merged with related enterprise content and delivered in a consistent format.

KnowNow's Enterprise Syndication Solution meets the enterprise challenge.

Businesses can discover, capture, filter, and deliver information channels across the enterprise, to partners, customers, and online communities. Channels can be secured as needed. Data can flow one-way (publisher to subscribers) or bi-directionally (acknowledgment responses or business process triggers.)

Platform applications include direct communication to corporate/partners/ customers, research and market insight channels; brand monitoring; competitive intelligence; enterprise exception reporting; continuous eMarketing, and real-time news services for group and personal interest.


  • Easy integration of data from internal and external sources
  • Content relevancy from on-the-fly filtering
  • Special real-time eLert notification for important items
  • Information routing to mobile devices
  • Manageability of information overload
  • Rich user experience with zero software installation client

Now businesses can manage streams of information, drawing content from millions of internal and external content sources enabling communication that was never possible with email.

For more information visit www.knownow.com
email info@knownow.com, or
call KnowNow at 408.585.1866.
Ron Rasmussen CT

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