Heather Kotula, VP Marketing and Communications, Access Innovations: Use artificial intelligence to unlock new potential for your knowledge base
You own and store vast amounts of knowledge. How do you make that knowledge work for you by being able to find the information you need when you need it?
Access Innovations, Inc. uses artificial intelligence to unlock new potential for your knowledge base through our patented, award-winning software, DH 4.0. DH 4.0 is a fast, reliable, human-supervised AI platform that allows you to fully leverage your data. DH. 4.0 is installed, customized, trained, and launched in just four steps.
DH 4.0 uses more than 20 types of algorithms for efficient, innovative and precise semantic discovery of new and emerging concepts.
MAIstro®—Cutting-edge vocabulary creation combined with fast, accurate document indexing to organize concepts and arrange them for search.
XIS (XML Intranet System)— Platform-independent system stores tagged data in an easy-to-use, portable, and extensible format.
SH (Search Harmony)—Offers better, faster search through enhanced data links.
SSUB (Smart Submit)—Expands automatic indexing through author input to boost consistency and accuracy.
SF (Semantic Fingerprinting)— Clarifies data in the pipeline to improve author descriptions and connections.
IT (Inline Tagging)—Maximizes browser-driven discovery of data.
TP (TopiCluster)—Groups and visually displays data to identify emerging trends, topics and information gaps.
D-ENT (Discover ENT)—Uses Natural Language Processing to identify and mine items from authority files.
Access Innovations, Inc. has been at the forefront of knowledge and database management for more than 40 years, serving Fortune 100 corporations, government agencies, universities, professional associations and scholarly publisher across the globe.

Access Innovations, Inc.
PH: 505.998.0800
FAX: 505.256.1080
E-mail: info@accessinn.com
Web: www.acessinn.com
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