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Xillio Offers Free File Share Analysis Software to Ease Content Migration Projects

Xillio, a content migration and integration specialist, is offering organizations a free download of its file share analysis software. The software comes with standardized analyses to map network drives and pinpoint files with unknown extensions, substantial files, potential duplicates, or files that have not been opened for a long time. The software can be deployed by information specialists to prepare for a migration project or for a content clean-up in order to limit the number of files to be migrated to what is manageable without having recourse to expensive consultants.

The free download of the file share software is an opportunity to scan the content stored on network drives. The results are summarized in a CSV report. Organizations have the option to upload the content inventory to Xillio for a more detailed, graphics-rich report with deeper insights into duplicates, large files and so on. The outcome of this additional round of analysis can then be presented by Xillio, and a migration plan worked out with the organization.

File shares still have an important role to play in business. They are usually full of ROT (redundant, outdated and trivial) content which means that the documents that users do want and need are difficult to find, that sensitive data are poorly monitored and that the cost of storage and network management keeps creeping up. A file share analysis is a crucial first step of content migration to a DMS or a collaborative environment such as SharePoint, and also sheds a light on quite how much ROT content is carried by the organization.

Network drives are here to stay, although many organizations are getting rid of obsolete storage technology and switching to cloud solutions such as Office 365, said Rikkert Engels, founder and CEO of Xillio. Many organizations fear the costs of a content clean-up project and decide to let IT handle the migration. The free file share analysis shows organizations how many quick wins there are if they clean up their information and by also making the CSV file available at no cost, Xillio is enabling IT to take the next step and carry out the migration itself, Engels added.

The free file share analysis software is available for here.

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