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ExactRisk Adds New E-Discovery Solution

ExactRisk, dtSearch, and Contegra have announced a new ExactRisk release offering a full range of e-discovery features with a streamlined user interface and the security of local data control. 

ExactRisk offers advanced data review, results tagging, collaboration and case management.  Designed from the ground up for ease of use, ExactRisk scales from small to large e-discovery datasets.  ExactRisk can also support multiple e-discovery projects simultaneously with customizable end user data access rights. 

For searching in its e-discovery datasets, the ExactRisk platform embeds the dtSearch Engine which enables processing of terabytes of text spanning multiple directories as well as emails with attachments. The resulting search interface supports integrated relevancy ranking with highlighted hits, and a full range of search options.

Specializing in seamless user interface design, Contegra Systems, a third-party expert in dtSearch Engine custom development work, assisted with the integration. The HTML application interface was custom-made for the dtSearch Engine along with the document tagging and access control modules in accordance with ExactRisk’s multi-user subscription-based business model.  

dtSearch developer products search terabytes of text including over 25 full-text and metadata-driven search options across multiple different platforms and operating systems.  dtSearch’s proprietary document filters support a wide range of online and offline data covering numerous document types, emails plus nested attachments, website data and other databases. 

For more information, go to www.exactrisk.comwww.dtsearch.com, or http://contegrasystems.com

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