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Attivio 5.5 Advances Cognitive Search and Insight Platform

Attivio has announced the release of Attivio Platform 5.5. The new version of the Attivio Cognitive Search and Insight Platform leverages cognitive capabilities, such as machine learning and natural language processing.

According to Attivio, the key to delivering insights and transforming the productivity of information workers is improving relevancy of answers to a search queries. With machine learning relevancy, the Attivio Platform calculates relevancy based on personalized and dynamic relevancy profiles for each user. Each query is then combined with contextual information to return better results, thereby providing better insight faster.

With this advanced machine learning, the system is trained to deliver the most relevant information, in context. Attivio also offers the flexibility of manual relevancy tuning to optimize results.

This new version of the Attivio Platform also offers innovative features for system administrators, developers, and end users, including the ability to automate manual tagging and review processes to flag content for regulatory risk and knowledge management use cases based on NLP, machine learning and complex rules/policies; a choice of deployment options, including native Hadoop application, standard Attivio clustering, and cloud hosted with managed services; and monitoring and tracking of document ingestion to support system reporting and compliance requirements.

The new release also leverages new content sources such as HDFS file systems, AVRO, Parquet, ORC, and application connectors for the enterprise and the cloud; and provides a redesigned user interface to improve the search experience for end users and the look-and-feel for administrators.

This new version of the Attivio Platform is available for testing in a local environment with a downloadable trial version at www.attivio.com/free-trial.

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