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  • January 21, 2015
  • News

Designing a successful KM strategy

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Information Today, Inc. announces the publication, in print and e-book editions, of Designing a Successful KM Strategy: A Guide for the Knowledge Management Professional by Stephanie Barnes and Nick Milton. According to Barnes and Milton, when a firm’s knowledge management (KM) program isn’t aligned with organizational strategy, its success can be no more than a happy accident—if it succeeds at all.

In Designing a Successful KM Strategy, the authors have drawn on 20 plus years of professional KM experience to outline a step-by-step approach to crafting a KM strategy that supports an organization’s unique needs and goals.

The new book will equip KM professionals to:

  • connect KM strategy to business strategy,
  • identify the business drivers that KM will support,
  • identify the firm’s strategic knowledge areas,
  • understand and engage key stakeholders,
  • incorporate sound change management principles, and
  • design pilots that kick-start successful KM rollouts.

    Stephanie Barnes has more than 20 years of experience in KM and accounting in the high technology, healthcare and public accounting sectors. She is currently a knowledge management consultant at Missing Puzzle Piece Consulting. Dr. Nick Milton is director and co-founder of Knoco Ltd.. With more than 21 years working in knowledge management, Milton has helped develop KM strategies, implementation programs and services for a wide range of organizations around the globe.

    Designing a Successful KM Strategy: A Guide for the Knowledge Management Professional (224 pp/softbound/$59.50/ISBN 978-1-57387-510-3) is published by Information Today, Inc. (ITI) and is available wherever quality books and e-books are sold. For more information, call 800-300-9868, fax 609-654-4309, e-mail custserv@infotoday.com or visit Information Today, Inc..

    KMWorld will follow up with a deeper dive into the book in the April 2015 issue.

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