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data.world launches Eureka Bot, a generative AI-powered data governance automation assistant

data.world, the data catalog platform, is unveiling a new class of AI-driven bots designed to expedite the delivery of governed data throughout organization teams. Joining data.world’s other classes of bots—Archie Bots for data discovery and BB Bots for efficient data workflows—the Eureka Bots drive robust governance capabilities at every stage of data catalog adoption, according to the company.

According to a survey conducted by data.world, 70% of go-to-market timelines are slowed by a reliance on manual data governance and 96% of data governance leaders want increased automation in their organization. These statistics highlight the unbridled inefficiencies that plague many enterprise’s data governance journeys; the exact area in which Eureka Bots innovate.

By integrating with the ever-popular generative AI, Eureka Bots offer diverse governance automations that remediate the challenges associated with personal identifiable information (PII) data and compliance regulations, like GDPR and CCPA.

“Innovations in generative AI are designed to improve the complex work of knowledge workers like data governance professionals. A recent MIT study on generative AI saw that ChatGPT reduced skill inequalities, changed how users spent their time, and increased productivity by up to 59%,” said Juan Sequeda, head of AI Lab at data.world. “data.world bots integrate with generative AI and automation to deliver similar results through the data.world applications for data cataloging, DataOps, and data governance.”

In the Data Catalog standard edition from data.world, Eureka Bots automate single-step workflows into automations, while with the newly introduced Data Governance Premium Package, Eureka Bots have the ability to underpin automations with multi-step processes.

Eureka Bots offer the following advantages:

  • Streamlining data access controls, removing friction for data consumers
  • Enriching metadata with free domain experts to focus on business value
  • Monitoring metadata quality driven by automated scoring and reporting
  • Ensuring the freshness of metadata with automated evaluations
  • Offering ownership assignment to prioritize business critical data
  • Automating governance workflows with query-based actions

“As a creative agency working with global clients representing the world’s leading brands, data is subject to compliance, privacy, and security laws across a wide variety of countries. It is critical that we understand who is authorized to access information and how they are using it,” said Vip Parmar, global head of data management at WPP. “The Data Governance application from data.world will help us streamline those processes through the data catalog while also making them fully auditable—greatly improving intelligence and productivity.”

To learn more about data.world’s new Eureka Bot, please visit https://data.world/.

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