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  • February 1, 2010
  • News

Unquestionable semantics

The Attensity Group has launched a wholly owned subsidiary designed to serve federal agencies through a suite of semantic engines and applications. The company says Attensity Government Systems (ASG) offers products and solutions that meet the needs of agencies and contractors involved in civilian service, intelligence, law enforcement, medical services and defense.

Further, AGS offers a unique combination of the world's leading semantic technologies: Attensity Group's full offering of semantic engines and applications along with Inxight technologies from SAP BusinessObjects. AGS says that government agencies can now leverage the capabilities enabled by the combination of Inxight's multilingual advanced entity and event extraction with that of Attensity Group's Exhaustive Extraction, which automatically identifies and transforms the facts, opinions, requests, trends and troble spots in unstructured text into structured, actionable intelligence.

AGS applications help organizations address mission-critical requirements through the ability to use text to drive action. Government agencies can uncover and speed response to important citizen feedback and events that might otherwise go unresolved or undetected. The applications include:

  • Attensity Intelligence Analysis,
  • Attensity Analyze for Voice of the Citizen,
  • Attensity Respond,
  • Attensity Bio-Surveillance / Outbreak Response,
  • Attensity Cloud for Social Media Monitoring, and
  • Attensity Semantic Engines.

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