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Top of the fourth

Kazeon has released the fourth generation of its e-discovery software, a modular offering with three products: Analysis & Review, Collection & Culling and Legal Hold Management. All three e-discovery products are integrated within a single, underlying software platform to ensure a smooth workflow while eliminating hidden costs that exist in a multivendor or disparate product strategy. Further, Kazeon has developed an entirely new distributed, collaborative legal application, the eDiscovery Case Manager, which manages legal cases from "womb-to-tomb" and is geared toward the legal counsel and litigation support staff.

Kazeon highlights the following components of the Fourth Generation:

Analysis & Review. A set of capabilities such as patented analytics, concept extraction and search, search results visualization, result and review filtering, query expansion, e-mail thread analytics, and interactive and fast review. It is also said to provide exhaustive, transparent, accurate auditing and data verification reports to enable complete defensibility of the e-discovery process. Kazeon’s Review workflow includes linear review, collaboration across multiple reviewers, support for multiple law firm review and review escalation workflow.

Legal Hold. Features such as identification of ESI based on case requirements, e.g., custodians, date ranges, concepts, etc., case-based legal hold management, enforcement of legal hold, reporting of legal hold and finally, releasing legal hold when required. All of these can be performed in place or in target repositories.

Collection & Culling Elements include items such as fully indexed or index-less targeted collection, and a forensically sound and defensible collection from any source, including USB drives, thumb drives and laptops. Further, legal users can perform their own collection and culling for each case without IT assistance using the simplified case-based application.

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