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Rockset introduces new instance class, continuing to make its search and analytics database affordable and effective

Rockset, the search and analytics database built for the cloud, is unveiling a new instance class that innovates on cost efficiency while continuing to support highly intensive compute workloads. Delivering a 30% reduction in compute costs, Rockset’s latest instance class—which complements the company’s significant innovation momentum—represents a continued commitment toward enabling a wide variety of applications while reducing costs.

Compute never stops processing incoming queries and data, explained Venkat Venkataramani, co-founder and CEO of Rockset. For databases supporting various applications that range both in their complexity and needs, dedicating resources to compute is crucial. However, compute is one of the most expensive resources when it comes to building applications.

Fueled by this inefficiency, Rocket’s newest general purpose instance class is designed with different memory to CPU ratios that are optimized for low-cost search and AI apps. By continuously optimizing for cost efficiency, Rockset solidifies itself as the most affordable search and analytics database on the market, according to the company.

Additionally, Rockset’s instance class offers a lower entry price point—as low as $232 per month—as well as autoscaling compute functions that scale compute based on a given workload.

“What really motivated us to work on this is GenAI and vector search applications, [as well as all the] indexes being built, maintained, [and] used to build these applications,” said Venkataramani. “The demands on compute is only going up, which means it warrants more and more innovations to find these efficiency opportunities to bring a very compelling price performance for our customers.”

While the inspiration for this instance class is, in part, derived from the explosion of GenAI and vector search, Rockset’s search and analytics database built for the cloud and its newest class is suitable for a wide array of apps—including recommendation engines, customer-facing analytics, personalization layers, and other use cases with high compute needs.

“[To] be able to use a different hardware that is just inherently less expensive, and still be able to give you really good performance on that hardware…that is the real unlock here,” added Venkataramani.

Rockset’s search and analytics database also features:

  • Real-time indexing
  • Full-feature SQL on vector embeddings, JSON, text, time series, and geospatial data
  • Compute-compute separation for eliminating compute overprovisioning
  • Vector search capabilities that enable billion-scale similarity search in the cloud

Rockset’s innovation momentum—which sees a growing customer base with various market leaders, such as JetBlue—is driven by its partner and investment ecosystem. With a strategic investment from Hewlett Packard Pathfinder, the venture capital program of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, as well as its Connect with Confluent partnership, Rockset continues on the path of database innovation in the era of cloud and AI while maintaining its focus on affordability.

“We believe that the importance of real-time data analytics is intensifying, driven by the increasing demand we see from our customers for the most accurate and timely insights,” said Paul Glaser, vice president of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and head of Hewlett Packard Pathfinder. “Rockset is addressing the evolving demands with their advanced capabilities, extending search and analytics into vector search to provide AI and ML developers with rapid access to real-time data. We are excited to invest in Rockset and look forward to exploring joint customer opportunities.”

To learn more about Rockset, please visit https://rockset.com/.

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