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PoolParty Enhances Semantic Middleware with Release 6

The Semantic Web Company is introducing Pool Party 6, the latest release of the company’s semantic software platform. The new release adds the new Semantic Middleware Configurator, a control center for configuring and connecting to indexing engines, linked data sources, and several graph databases.  The new release also provides extended data transformation pipelines, improved text mining, search and analytics capabilities and additional language support.

According to the vendor, PoolParty 6 will improve the benefits of its semantic middleware suite for knowledge engineers and organizations that build on large and diverse data repositories. The new release offers improved capabilities in the areas of agile data integration, high-precision text mining, configurable semantic search, and graph-based data analytics. In addition to the new Semantic Middleware Configurator, PoolParty 6 introduces shadow concept extraction which permits the extraction of implicit knowledge from large text repositories.

With Release 6, PoolParty is providing a set of analytics dashboards based on ontology-driven search that permits easy configuration based on knowledge models. Third-party visualization tools such as SKOS Play or WebVOWL can also be easily integrated, the company says. According to the company, PoolParty supports knowledge engineers in creating meaningful and comprehensive knowledge models particularly with very large text corpora. Improved word sense induction helps to disambiguate terms semi-automatically, the inclusion of statistical language models boost text mining results, and the refined statistics and search features enhance the user experience.

For more information about PoolParty 6, visit www.poolparty.biz.

For more information about Semantic Web Company, visit www.semantic-web.com

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