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Percipient Partners with EDT Software on Legal E-Discovery and Document Review Services

Percipient, an e-discovery and legal technology company providing managed document review and managed e-discovery services, will offer EDT’s litigation and investigation platform as a service solution as part of its e-discovery and document review services.

Percipient will offer edt.BLUE as part of its managed services offering which will provide enterprises and law firms dedicated access to processing, early case assessment, review and production in their own cloud environment. The aim is to help clients gain cost reductions, greater control, and increased insight into their cases via Percipient’s project management portals and custom metrics dashboards.

The EDT platform works well with Percipient’s customizable metrics dashboards that provide clients with key insights about their projects, document review progress, as well as their costs, stated Keith Whitaker, Percipient’s chief business development officer.

By deploying EDT Software as part of its managed review and e-discovery services, Percipient is making it easier to provide advanced discovery and investigation tools to legal teams, added EDT vice president of business development Charles Lavallee, noting that the partnership with Percipient aligns well with EDT's mission.

For more information about Percipient, visit www.percipient.co.

For more information about EDT, go to www.discoveredt.com.

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