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  • March 17, 2014
  • News

Perceptive Software upgrades search solutions

Perceptive Software has unveiled Version 10.3 of both Perceptive Enterprise Search and Perceptive Workgroup Search. The company says Version 10.3 delivers search results that represent content in high definition, and that most types of documents, when searched, will be displayed in HTML5 with all formatting, images and styles preserved. Users view documents indexed in high definition with a full set of document controls.

Fidelity options for content rendering in Perceptive Search 10.3 allow administrators to set the appropriate level of fidelity for displaying search results. Options include several levels of standard text, standard XHTML and high-definition HTML5 that produce near-perfect paginated renditions, according to the company.

Further, the addition of a document thumbnail preview provides Perceptive Enterprise Search 10.3 users additional confidence that they are selecting the right search results, says Perceptive Software. The company claims Version 10.3 enables organizations to extend high-performance search into more of their enterprise applications and repositories with new connector options that access content in Google Drive, Microsoft SharePoint 2013, Microsoft Exchange 2013 and Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.

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