Northern Light brightens SinglePoint
Northern Light has unveiled SinglePoint 4.0, its hosted market research portal and content integration application. The company further describes SinglePoint as an enterprise search application that provides centralized search, analysis and access for diverse sources of internal, external and licensed market intelligence.
Northern Light aggregates all targeted content daily for each SinglePoint client--internal primary research, licensed secondary sources and other licensed material--indexes it and makes it available for unified access.
SinglePoint 4.0 enhancements address three areas of functionality: personalization, ease of use and system administration. For example, SinglePoint 4.0 lets each user create a personalized home page by adding headline feeds based on custom search queries, alerts delivered via e-mail or RSS feeds and "My Favorite" analyst research and news by topic, source or author.
Northern Light adds that ease of use in SinglePoint 4.0 has been enhanced by offering preconfigured "Expert Searches" created by professional editors based on an organization’s information priorities. Also available to users is a comprehensive research vendor database, so with one click users can ascertain, under their organization’s policies, how to acquire a piece of research to which they may not automatically have access.
For administrators, SinglePoint 4.0 offers an expanded set of usage monitoring and reporting facilities, which among other things, enable accurate research subscription ROI assessments and internal charge-backs. In addition, administrators can communicate information of general interest to all users throughout their organization using announcement boxes that automatically appear on each user’s home page; and they can instantly identify, assign and change users’ research access privileges based on shifting short-term needs and organizational priorities.
Additionally, SinglePoint 4.0 is the platform from which users can access MI Analyst, Northern Light’s text analytics application, which, the company says, is designed specifically to help SinglePoint customers extract business meaning from market research and market intelligence.
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