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NetDocuments joins SALI Alliance

NetDocuments, provider of a secure multi-tenant cloud-based content services and productivity platform for law firms, corporate legal teams, and business organizations, has joined the Standards Advancement for the Legal Industry (SALI) Alliance program. SALI, which encompasses law firms, clients, legal organizations, and legal technology and service providers, originated to ensure all industry stakeholders have a voice to shape the most useful and relevant standards to foster transparency and innovation.

As a supporter and adopter of SALI, NetDocuments will incorporate the alliance’s Legal Matter Specification Standard (LMMS) framework into its solutions, including Tasks as part of the PLAN solution as well as document classifications within the NetDocuments ORGANIZATION solution.

“As a platform company, understanding standards is absolutely critical as we ingest millions of files every day,” stated Peter Buck, NetDocuments, VP of product strategy. “Standards like those created and championed by SALI will make platforms like NetDocuments more efficient and more useful for our customer base. Interoperability is a critical component so embedding the SALI standard into the NetDocuments solutions is one way to focus on standard adoption.”

For more information, go to www.netdocuments.com and www.sali.org.


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