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Learn how Bloomfire created a knowledge engagement strategy for ADT

An organization's collective knowledge can be one of its biggest competitive advantages—but only if the people who need that knowledge can easily access and leverage it in the flow of their work.

When teams have the means to tap into and contribute to their organization's collective intelligence, they're able to take informed actions that positively impact business revenue, retention, and innovation.

Businesses can maximize the value of institutional and individual knowledge by developing a knowledge engagement strategy: an approach to centralizing knowledge and turning it into a renewable resource.

KMWorld recently held a webinar with Kate Leggett, VP and principal analyst serving application development and delivery, Forrester Research; Mark Hammer, CEO, Bloomfire; and Janna Perry, Mgr. Sr. CX learning, ADT, who discussed why organizations need a knowledge engagement strategy and how to start building one.

Good customer experiences impact topline revenue, Leggett explained. And great customer experiences rest on great employee experiences. Using knowledge engagement will deliver great customer and employee experiences.

Knowledge engagement requires discipline in four dimensions including strategy, processes, people, and technology.

Bloomfire worked with ADT to create such a plan. According to Hammer, Bloomfire met with business partners to define requirements and establish clear direction. Then the company vetted and validated existing processes and procedures across work groups. Then the organization strategically implemented knowledge engagement platform, Bloomfire, to fit seamlessly and support established processes.

ADT’s objectives and goals were to create two internal knowledge repositories to provide an easy and consistent way to find, share, and maintain information for the high-volume and commercial sides of the business, Perry said.

Legget said organizations need to establish a governance framework. This is a formal decision-making process that establishes the framework of the knowledge engagement program in terms of lines of responsibility, authority, and communication and defines the policies, standards, measurements, empowerment, and feedback mechanisms that enable the program's execution.Then define roles and responsibilities.

According to Hammer and Perry, lessons learned from going through this process include:

  • Drive engagement early with launch event (e.g. a virtual scavenger hunt)
  • Plan and organize content before adding it to knowledge engagement platform
  • Offer user education and training
  • Have a plan in place to address employee engagement: Had over 200 comments within the first month of implementing Bloomfire

An archived on-demand replay of this webinar is available here.

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