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KX launches KDB.AI Server for enterprise-scale generative AI

KX, a global leader in vector and time-series data management, announced the general availability of KDB.AI Server, a highly-performant, scalable, vector database for time-orientated generative AI and contextual search.

Deployable in a single container via Docker, KDB.AI Server offers a smooth setup for various environments, including cloud, on-premises, and hybrid systems, allowing businesses to quickly adopt and utilize its AI capabilities without complex setup processes, according to the company.

Built to handle high-speed, time-oriented data and multi-modal data processing, KDB.AI handles both structured and unstructured enterprise data, enabling holistic search across all data assets with better accuracy and lower cost.

Unique among vector databases, KDB.AI enables developers to bring temporal and semantic context and relevancy to their AI-powered applications, giving them a comprehensive data search tool with unequaled flexibility, according to the company.

Moreover, KDB.AI is optimized for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) patterns which ensures that, rather than continuously training or fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLM), developers can bring data relevancy to their prompts delivering better accuracy, lower cost, and less need for GPUs.

Notable enterprise-grade features include:

  • Advanced metadata filtering: Users can refine and target searches for more relevant and precise outcomes, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of data analysis across large datasets.
  • Multi-Modal Data Handling: Supports diverse data types including text, video, audio, and images.
  • User-Friendly: Simplified querying with Python or REST API, enabling the use of any language.
  • Performance: Designed to handle billions of vector searches across diverse enterprise data.
  • Integrated Solutions: Fully compatible with popular tools like LangChain and accessible via APIs.

“The debut of KDB.AI Server Edition marks a transformative step in enterprise AI. It’s tailored for a future where data is a strategic powerhouse, enabling businesses to create unique, custom AI solutions from their proprietary data to forge a distinct competitive edge,” said Ashok Reddy, CEO, KX. “Blending unparalleled data processing with agility and privacy, KDB.AI Server Edition isn’t just a new product, it’s a leap into the generative AI era, ensuring businesses not only adapt but also thrive and lead in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.”

For more information about this news, visit https://kx.com.  

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