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InterSystems releases data platform connector for Microsoft Power BI users

InterSystems, a provider of information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, is releasing the InterSystems IRIS data platform connector for Microsoft Power BI users.

The InterSystems IRIS connector offers Power BI users seamless and high-performance access to the InterSystems IRIS data platform, which allows them to enhance development and accelerate digital transformation initiatives.

InterSystems IRIS is the company’s flagship product for rapidly building data-driven applications, featuring powerful integration, multi-model and multi-workload database management, and embedded analytics capabilities to speed and simplify digital transformation initiatives.

 In addition to serving up relational tables through InterSystems ODBC driver, Power BI users now can also access InterSystems IRIS business intelligence (BI) cubes, leveraging the measures and dimensions defined in the data platform.

This enables users to combine best-in-class data visualization capabilities of Power BI with the high performance of InterSystems’ multidimensional online analytical processing (OLAP) capabilities.

Power BI Desktop, which now includes the InterSystems IRIS data platform connector, can be downloaded here. InterSystems IRIS is also available on Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Docker.

For more information about this news, visit www.intersystems.com.

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