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Hyland Rebrands Cloud Hosting Architecture

Hyland has announced the rebranding of its privately managed, multi-instance cloud hosting architecture. The Hyland Cloud offers a scaled up infrastructure to accommodate the company's growing range of products and has been designed to act as a hosting architecture for OnBase, Hyland’s enterprise information platform, ShareBase, Hyland’s cloud-based, file sharing platform, as well as future cloud-based applications and product offerings. 

According to the vendor, the cloud hosting architecture is built on multiple co-located data centers across six countries, including the United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, and Japan, and provides organizations with the precise locations of their content at all times, available with 99.99% uptime.
Additionally, the company says, Hyland Cloud is a private cloud that eliminates any instances of co-mingling of data, configured and maintained to provide maximum security demonstrated by ongoing audits and adherence to strict ISO-based policies. Authorized users are able to access protected, mission-critical information, while appropriate disaster recovery and business continuity commitments are enforced.
To learn more about the evolution of the Hyland Cloud, visit www.onbase.com/cloud.

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