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Enterprise content management and the future

Good enterprise content management (ECM) plays a pivotal role in an organization's ability to manage input and output of information.

It can make the difference in whether the company understands the value of its content, or whether it's lost in the weeds.

KMWorld recently held a webinar with David Jones, VP of product marketing, Nuxeo; Fred Sass, Senior director of product marketing for content services, OpenText; and Tony Majewski, CSP solutions architect, AODocs, who discussed how content services can be used to transform information management.

Enterprise content management is defined as “the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes,” Jones said.

However, in 2017, the industry declared that ECM was dead. ECM was sold as a technology when most organizations are not content first, Jones said. ECM is only one piece of the puzzle and a single version of the truth never really existed. From the ashes of ECM, content services was born.

ECM was single repository, designed to solely serve information management professionals, and a single vendor solution. Content services is multi-repository, designed for use anywhere in the organization by anyone on any device, and connected eco-system of services, Jones explained.

Content services is a centralized content repository with flexibility through API, services, and microservices in how it can capture and distribute content across various systems, platforms, and devices to create a strong user experience without sacrificing enterprise requirements, Majewski said.

AODocs offers a Cloud Content Services Platform that is “Built for people,” Majewski explained. There is  no training required: most legacy ECM replacement projects are done without post-migration end user training. And the solution integrates with modern collaboration platforms: Google Docs / Sheets / Slides, GMail, Google Chat, Facebook Workplace & Chat.

According to Sass, lead management applications (e.g. SAP, Salesforce) will be where the majority of content is accessed by business users. Content management systems must smartly co-exist with Microsoft productivity tools to thrive and intelligent automation will be a major factor driving user acceptance while information governance technologies (e.g. archiving) are setting the stage for knowledge discovery.

He suggested OpenText Enterprise Information Management as the next level content services platform. Enabling companies to digitize processes and supply chains, and extract value from their information with analytics and Artificial Intelligence, OpenText helps create greater business insight that leads to smarter, data-driven decisions, Sass said.

An archived on-demand replay of this webinar is available here.

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