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Digital Reasoning Strengthens its Cognitive Computing Platform

Digital Reasoning, a cognitive computing technology business, is releasing Synthesys 4, the latest version of its cognitive computing platform which includes extensive new capabilities.

Synthesys 4 delivers its analysis in the form of interactive data exploration tools as well as task-oriented intelligent assistants that reason over knowledge abstracted from data.

New capabilities in Synthesys 4 include advanced analytics enhancements leveraging deep learning neural networks across text, audio and images, as well as behavioral analytics based on anomaly detection techniques; enhanced multi-lingual capabilities, including English, Spanish and Chinese with full syntactic parsing; and an integrated ability to conduct interactive data analytics designed for data scientists.

In addition, self-service model training with Synthesys Trainer provides an intuitive interface that enables non-technical users to train new analytical models according to the language and tasks that are relevant to their domain. There is also a newly designed distributed architecture, and support for Elasticsearch for high performance indexing and data exploration across multiple Hadoop distributions, including Cloudera Enterprise, HortonWorks, and MapR.

According to Bill DiPietro, vice president of product management at Digital Reasoning, Synthesys 4 will boost the adoption of cognitive computing technology by giving customers more flexibility and transparency into how the system learns from context, as well as better tools to explore the output of its cognitive algorithms and the knowledge graph.

For more information about this update, visit www.digitalreasoning.com.

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