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Compliance Enhances E-Discovery Managed Services Platform

Compliance Discovery Solutions, an integrated e-discovery services and managed review provider, has announced drag-and-drop processing for Compliance’s Discovery-as-a-Service (DaaS) 2.0 environment.

According to the company, the new client portal feature helps transform a traditional on-premise data lifecycle solution to a do-it-yourself cloud offering. The application allows users to upload, process and begin Relativity review from their desktop by dragging files from their stored location into the drag-and-drop tool. The rest of the process is automated, including uploading, processing and promoting to review.

The DaaS 2.0 platform enhancements also include additional new features, such as automated native Excel redactions, media transcription and searching, as well as a client-facing archive and restore tool to better manage active and archived data.

The enhancement addresses the needs of e-discovery users who require the power of traditional applications like Relativity, but also want the ease of use available through cloud solutions, said Ari Perlstein, CTO of Compliance. The new proprietary offering in the DaaS 2.0 platform gives all end users the ability to host any data for review, regardless of their experience level, he added.

For more information, go to the Compliance Discovery Solutions website.

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