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Collibra expands data quality and observability innovations, tools, and services

Collibra has announced product updates, expanded integrations, and new tools and services to its Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud, the single system of engagement for data. The updates are designed to drive clarity and ensure that every user can be as productive as possible. 

“According to IDC, 83% of executives believe there is a need to be more data-driven now than prior to the pandemic. However, today’s enterprises are facing an increasingly complex data landscape, and the volume, variety and velocity of data is only accelerating,” said Laura Sellers, chief product officer for Collibra. “To face this challenge, enterprises need a modern approach to data intelligence that makes it easy for business users to quickly find, trust and access the massive volumes of data they have. This is why I am excited to announce a series of new innovations that improve productivity and provide more context and insights at your fingertips. Together, these updates will empower our customers to use data more effectively and innovatively and pave the way to better ROI from their data.”  

New capabilities to provide more context and clarity around data:

  • Collibra’s comprehensive data intelligence platform unifies data catalog, data lineage, flexible governance, continuous quality and built-in privacy. With these new updates, organizations can build in data maturity by driving more context and trust around data.
  • New Data Quality & Observability capabilities: New auto-validation rules in Collibra Data Quality & Observability enable enterprises to scale sensitive data discovery and data quality enforcement seamlessly, protecting sensitive data and reducing risk. With new DQ workflows, data stewards can centralize and prioritize all data quality requests within Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud, facilitating quicker data issue remediation. 
  • Collibra Everywhere browser extension: The new Collibra Everywhere browser extension provides quick access to context about data when browsing Tableau and Power BI reports, allowing analysts to better understand and trust reports. The extension also works with Confluence, Salesforce, Jira, ServiceNOW, Snowflake, Sharepoint and online query editors, allowing users to quickly pull up the information and context they need from Collibra.
  • Automation of stewardship tasks: New capabilities for data stewards improve productivity by automating data curation, reducing manual efforts and enabling business context to be easily added to cataloged metadata at scale. 
  • Improved visualization: New capabilities ensure users can quickly visualize and understand relationships across all data assets. 

The expanded support for Tableau and new support for Matillion ensures customers can get deep visibility and insights into metadata and lineage from these tools in one central location: 

  • Tableau integration: Collibra’s newly enhanced integration provides deep visibility and insights into Tableau metadata through expanded data source connectivity, automated stitching and a complete view of technical and business lineage to help customers find, understand and trust the business intelligence reports they need in one place.
  • Matillion integration: With Collibra and Matillion’s new integration, enterprises can ingest Matillion ETL lineage into Collibra and visualize end-to-end technical lineage, widening visibility into enterprise data.

Collibra has also launched new learning paths and services to help customers plan, design and execute on their data intelligence strategy efficiently.

These services and learning paths help customers accelerate their time to value by ensuring that they have the support and knowledge to onboard teams and accelerate adoption of new platform capabilities: 

  • The Foundation and Strategy Program helps customers with strategic planning efforts including roadmapping, use case prioritization and implementation services.
  • The Resident Architect Program is available to support customers with a dedicated architect to help guide and strengthen their internal Collibra capabilities and accelerate use case implementation over the course of one year.
  • The Data Quality Virtual Lab is a hands-on course that allows customers to practice creating and running data quality checks, reviewing and analyzing reports and scorecards as well as configuring and managing rules and alerts. 

The Collibra Test Drive for Data Quality & Observability is now freely available.

To learn more, visit collibra.com.

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