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Coho AI announces funding round of $8.5M, empowering B2B SaaS companies to “lift the hood” on customers' usage data

Coho AI, the product-led revenue platform, announced it has secured $8.5 million in seed funding, enabling the company to further build its platform to accelerate growth for B2B SaaS companies. Coho AI helps foster a future of product-led growth by putting data at the forefront of decision-making.

The funding round was led by Eight Roads, TechAviv, and a select group of angel investors, including company co-founder Ariel Maislos, Shlomo Kremer, Natan Linder, and other high profile founders.

Coho AI helps established companies that have reached Product-Market Fit evolve into product insight-driven businesses.

Coho AI shows companies that a product-led growth (PLG) methodology can be applied to a wide range of SaaS companies and in different stages of a customer life-cycle, according to the vendor. Coho AI puts a spotlight on product usage data, showing that it can, and should, be utilized throughout the customer journey to maximize growth. This approach can reduce churn while boosting go-to-market and customer success capabilities.

The platform allows customers to:

  • Visualize: Creating a single source of truth for all GTM teams and provides a 360 degree overview of every user and account at any point in time.
  • Analyze: Coho AI’s analysis algorithm (patent-pending) measures the value the user extracts from the product, defines customer journeys and generates recommendations to reduce drop-offs and improve growth.
  • Prioritize: The platform automatically generates a customer health score, enabling users to prioritize their efforts.
  • Act: Real-time triggers allow ongoing identification of growth opportunities in the entire customer revenue lifecycle. These triggers apply to real-time workflows in CEPs, CRM’s and other internal tech stacks.

“SaaS companies are in a unique position where they can actually measure the value their users extract from their products. By correlating this information with data coming from CS, sales, and support, we create a customer observability platform, which is crucial to generating sustainable and proactive revenue growth? said Itamar Falcon, CEO of Coho AI. “Securing our funding is a huge step towards our platform’s capability to help businesses succeed in a tough and unpredictable market. Especially when KPIs are now more focused on sales efficiency and NRR. As revenue teams need more product insights, we aim to provide an out-of-the-box solution to a problem which companies tried to solve internally until now.”

For more information about this news, visit https://coho.ai.

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