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  • August 14, 2014
  • News

Boosting compliance and data governance

Whitebox Security has launched WhiteOPS V. 3.3, which the company says speeds data governance and compliance through a robust compliance portal, simplified entitlements and identities forensics and out-of-the-box best practices, as well as other capabilities.

WhiteOPS determines who can access and has accessed structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, delivering secure access to ERP, CRM, SharePoint, Exchange, file servers, NAS/SAN, Active Directory and homegrown applications, no matter the location—cloud or on premise—to ensure that unauthorized data breaches can be prevented and detected, protecting against internal and external threats.

Furthermore, the company says, WhiteOPS identifies sensitive data, reviews and authorizes access, tracks data access patterns and detects unauthorized access in real time. It treats compliance as an ongoing process, not a single point in time, facilitating compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, PCI, ISO 27001/2, ISO 27799 and more.

WhiteOPS now offers out-of-the-box best practices for usage pattern-based, content and metadata-based data classification to further streamline implementation. The entitlements integration kit allows for easy and automatic collection and analysis of entitlements from every organizational application for structured, unstructured and semi-structured data. The new version also includes application monitors for Google Drive, Alfresco ECM, Siemens Teamcenter (PLM), Hitachi NAS and EMC Isilon.

The new version offers a multilingual portal for senior management, including an access governance dashboard, giving a high-level overview of activities and intelligent access review.

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