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  • July 27, 2015
  • News

AvePoint releases solution to reduce risk of data breaches

AvePoint has unveiled File Analysis Services, consulting services designed to reduce the risk of privacy or sensitive information breaches by increasing visibility into an organization’s unstructured data.

The company says that by discovering, mapping and classifying the unstructured data (especially within file shares), organizations can make more informed decisions regarding which data to keep and remove, thus optimizing the use of existing storage repositories and the transition to new collaboration platforms. With AvePoint File Analysis Services, organizations can identify which files reside where and who has access to them.

Features include:

  • data discovery—determine where data resides, identify existing privacy violations or information security risks and ascertain who has permissions and has accessed content over time;
  • data tagging and classification—build data classification and taxonomy rules, enforce classification rules automatically and identify and resolve inconsistencies between user-created and automated metadata;
  • data protection and retention—encrypt or redact sensitive information based on compliance rules, mark content as irrelevant or stale and archive records to alternative locations with retention schedules;
  • data cleanup and consolidation—identify and eliminate duplicate copies of files, destroy old files and sensitive information based on business requirements and move content to proper locations to simplify migrations; and
  • compliant migration—granularly select content and migrate to target locations on file systems or other systems—including Microsoft SharePoint, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business—and permit organizations to freeze data for legal hold after completing migrations.

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