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Adobe adds enhancements for AI-powered CX personalization

Adobe has announced enhancements for AI-powered personalization to its Experience Platform.

Adobe is announcing new enhancements around Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), an open and extensible platform that combines data across the enterprise, helping brands to deliver impactful digital experiences. The announcement was made in a recent Adobe blog post.

According to Adobe, as mobile device and social media usage continues to grow, the data and insights coming from those platforms is becoming an important aspect in building a customer profile. However, integrating social data with other data sources has traditionally been challenging for brands. Working with Adobe Experience Platform, Adobe Audience Manager, helps brands bring together fragmented data and create a unified view of each of their customers.

Addressing the problem of extending a brand’s personal experience to social platforms, Adobe has announced "People-Based Destinations," which, through Adobe Audience Manager, enables fragmented data is brought together to create a unified view of each customer.

According to Adobe, the platform makes audience targeting, personalization and suppression based on hashed identifiers a reality in the social media space. It will enable connections such as an airline personalizing communications based on offline profile characteristics such as loyalty tier to share targeted offers via social platforms. People Based Destinations allows brands to leverage Audience Manager’s existing data governance and privacy controls to honor consumers’ choices about their data.

In addition, according to Adobe, while People-Based Destinations allows brands to better engage with consumers on social networks off of hashed email addresses, Adobe’s Real-Time Customer Data Platform (announced in beta earlier this year), helps expand this approach with a focus on personally identifiable information, for those use cases where it is permitted. This, the company says, will enable brands to enhance personalized experiences in more channels that are dependent on a personal identifier, such as email service providers, while also using customer data from within their organization, such as from call centers and point-of-sale systems, to better personalize offers and customer service.

Additional new capabilities include:

Product Recommendations—through Adobe’s Data Science Workspace, brands can use machine learning to analyze a customer's historical interactions with products to generate a personalized list of recommendations quickly. With real-time customer profile, brands can personalize across multiple customer interaction points supported by AI and machine learning.

Retail Sales Forecasting—using AI, brands will be able to predict sales trends within Adobe Experience Platform and run forecasts on large sets of data. This will help retailers plan for key times (such as holiday shopping) and pricing products to exceed sales goals.

To access the Adobe blog post for more details, go to https://theblog.adobe.com/adobe-introduces-ai-powered-personalization-and-streamlined-activation.

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