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Access Innovations adds Recommender to Data Harmony to improve search

Access Innovations, Inc., provider of Data Harmony software solutions, is releasing Recommender as part of the Data Harmony Suite.

Recommender uses the semantic fingerprint of an article, its subject metadata tagging, matching to other articles and content within the database. 

When the searcher finds an article they like, the Recommender automatically displays other items with the same semantic fingerprint nearby on the search interface.

This allows immediate display of highly relevant content to the search without scrolling and frustration in trying to find similar items.

It also allows for display of other relevant content such as conference papers, ads, books, meetings, expert profiles, and so more.

“Unlike other recommendation systems, this is not based on personalization profiles or purchasing history or ‘people who liked this will also like that’ linking. By using the metadata weighting and other algorithms it provides only items relevant to the current query,” said Marjorie Hlava, president of Access Innovations, Inc. “This means faster search and the surfacing of more related information to the user.”

For those interested in using Recommender there are two prerequisites: 1) the content needs to be indexed or tagged using a controlled vocabulary like a thesaurus or taxonomy, and 2) the search interface needs to be able to accommodate the API call to the tagged data and subsequent display of the results.

"Integrating Recommender into your platform to quickly highlight content similar to what users are already looking at—without having to actively search for it—will improve the user search experience exponentially,” comments Barry Bealer, chief revenue officer at Access Innovations. “We expect Recommender to drive increased user engagement with our clients’ content and are excited to see its impact.”

Recommender is now available to all Data Harmony clients using versions 3.16 or higher.

For more information about this news, visit www.accessinn.com.

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