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Pemberton Greenish adopts new work product management

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Pemberton Greenish, a U.K.-based law firm specializing in real estate, private wealth and corporate law, has deployed a solution to manage its documents, emails and other important work. The new system, iManage Work, will help the law firm improve internal processes and simplify recruitment of talent.

The firm, which has achieved 100 percent user adoption of iManage Work, has 95 users who rely on it to find the files they need to serve clients. The firm made the switch because its prior practice management system, which included document and email management, could no longer be sustained.

Pemberton Greenish evaluated several solutions before choosing iManage because of its ability to seamlessly integrate with and migrate content from the old practice management system to deliver a new integrated system, iManage reports.

Michael Kinnear, IT manager at Pemberton Greenish, says, “We knew that any work product management system we selected would need to work with whatever our next practice management system would be. It became clear fairly quickly that iManage was our best option.”

Deploying iManage Work also has helped with recruitment by enabling the firm to give lawyers access to tools they already know and trust. Kinnear explains, “We get a lot of applicants coming to us from bigger firms, looking to work in a more bespoke practice. We found that everyone we’ve hired in the last three years or so has used iManage at their previous place of employment. Having the solution keeps us on par with what those larger firms can offer their employees, technologically speaking. As a side benefit, there’s also less training involved when we get a new start since they’re already familiar with the product.”

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