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Facile, secure management of digital assets

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The Almond Board of California is leveraging technology from MediaValet to manage globally more than a terabyte of videos, photos, graphics and brand materials. The organization is using the solution primarily for its global network of marketing professionals and agencies, but also for its industry and scientific affairs departments.

The Almond Board relies heavily on cloud-based solutions to help keep costs down. Its aging, on-premise digital asset management (DAM) system was draining IT resources and frustrating users, so the board began to look for a new solution that would ease the IT burden and improve productivity for 100 geographically dispersed users. The organization eventually chose MediaValet to provide a scalable, globally accessible and secure infrastructure, as well as an easy-to-use and intuitive DAM experience for users.

John Joyner, associate director of corporate technology with the Almond Board of California, says, “MediaValet caught my eye initially because we’re a Microsoft shop, and having a DAM system built on Azure fit nicely into our overall IT strategy--a one-stop shop, as they say. That was only the beginning though. Throughout the implementation process and since then, MediaValet’s focus on exceeding our expectations has been par excellence. They came up with creative solutions wherever we faced challenges and their support team has routinely gone above and beyond--doing things you normally wouldn’t get from a vendor.”

Joyner continues, “MediaValet is used heavily by our global staff and agency partners. Digital assets are downloaded and shared every day and we upload hundreds of megabytes of assets every month--yet, our IT staff hardly hears about any of this. MediaValet quietly handles this in the background, allowing our IT team to focus on supporting other areas of the business.”

(Image courtesy of ShutterStock.com)

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