Enterprise Application Integration > Columns
Enterprise application integration (EAI) is being used as a knowledge management strategy, tying together critical bits of information gathered from various systems throughout the enterprise. All of the information far-flung across the enterprise and the need to communicate with outside firms make enterprise application integration tools all the more valuable to managing knowledge effectively.

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The end of tech glory days

The tech industry's glory days may be fading a little, but this is not a time for despair. It's an opportunity for renewal. By shifting to a needs-driven approach, the industry can ensure its relevance in a rapidly changing landscape.

Return on … Infrastructure???

As our physical and IT infrastructure continues to grow in size, complexity, and vulnerability, people and the knowledge they possess will play an ever-increasing role.

Dispatches from the edge

Edge-of-chaos decisioning means being continually informed on the critical elements needed to make better, faster decisions.

The convergence of convergence

The more systems and subsystems we attempt to stitch together, the greater the unpredictability.

Cognitive Computing: Balancing the risks with the rewards from AI

The fact is that the effects of AI and cognitive computing will be even broader than current traditional computing systems. As we incorporate more and more data sources for better results, we also increase the likelihood of affecting more lives and more organizations.