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Cambridge Semantics, Alok Prasad, President:
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External data and diverse rich unstructured data, are two major contributors to explosive enterprise data growth. The challenge many organizations now face, is how can an enterprise capture, prepare and provide access to diverse data for enterprise wide analytics & data management at very large scale?

Industry trends show that leading “data driven” enterprises are seeing rapid adoption of data lakes as a fast easy way to store, at very low cost, diverse data in its native, untransformed format. But, that is just the beginning.

At Cambridge Semantics we have developed the Anzo Smart Data Lake™ a graph based solution that leverages the power of semantic technologies on top of big data tools like Hadoop HDFS and Apache Spark. By delivering a massively parallel, in-memory, graph database that supports semantics standards, companies can overcome one of the long-standing challenges with semantic technology—performance at scale. Our scale capability, combined with our semantic driven Anzo Smart Data Platform™, delivers enterprise wide self-serve capabilities. Business users can run interactive graph queries across data running throughout enterprise, while allowing IT departments to secure and govern the data.

Our Anzo Smart Data Integration™ is a key integrated component of the Anzo Smart Data Lake™ and is a product also sold independently. Anzo Smart Data Integration™ allows companies to catalog and harmonize diverse data sources for governed data migration & management.

Our customers are adopting smart data lake solutions in 90-120 days and are realizing unprecedented insights while maintaining security and governance. Learn more at www.cambridgesemantics.com

Cambridge Semantics
141 Tremont St.
Boston, MA 02111

PH: (617) 245.0517
FAX: (617) 209.1258
Contact: info@cambridgesemantics.com

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