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KMWorld NewsLinks - March 12, 2019


KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management 2019

Today's knowledge management products and services offered by leading companies put a high priority on getting information to users when and where they need it, while also keeping it safe from unauthorized access. Many also include newer capabilities such as AI, machine learning, natural language processing, and digital assistants as well as choices of on-premise or cloud deployment—or a combination of both.

The power of people-first data design (Video)

Lucidworks CMO Vivek Sriram discusses the challenges and benefits of using AI to moving from a data-centric approach to a human-centric approach with immersive, assistive experiences.


NICE Robotic Automation expands partnership with ABBYY

Offers comprehensive end to end digitization of business processes

Deloitte, Kerry Logistics, and CargoSmart leverage blockchain to digitize global logistics

Distributed ledger technology speeds up approvals, provides updated and secure data for informed decisions

CallMiner offers new solution for gaining enhanced customer experience insights

CX Solution Pack will offer enhanced customer experience insights from every voice conversation

KM In Practice

NC Health Information Exchange gets makeover with SAS Analytics and InterSystems

Secure patient data-sharing supports better care decisions, population health analysis, and lower health care costs


Building smarter robots: A new era combines content intelligence and RPA

For RPA to progress beyond automating simple repetitive tasks with fixed rules, enterprises will need to turn their RPA robots into "smarter" robots that can process a wide variety of unstructured content