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KMWorld NewsLinks - May 16, 2017


Crowdsourcing: friend or foe of KM?

Often used for innovation, crowdsourcing can bypass organizational structures to obtain insights from large groups of individuals either within the company or outside it.


Lucidworks Acquires Twigkit to Improve Enterprise Search

Purpose-built UI bridges gap between data accessibility and application

OpenText Announces Enhancement Pack 2 for OpenText Release 16

Integrations within the OpenText Platform and with other business applications enable the flow of information inside and outside of the enterprise

ZyLAB Introduces ZyLAB ONE eDiscovery

Addresses e-discovery and intelligent governance requirements in a single platform

KM In Practice

Danish organization chooses AI to improve contract management

Solution will help association with a database of tens of thousands of employment contracts to be able to locate contracts as well as specific data within them.