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September 2010, Trend-Setting Products 2010 [Volume 19, Issue 8]


Many federal agencies struggle with records management
Some fall short on basic infrastructure
and training, survey finds.

Records management officials in federal agencies fight an ongoing battle for IT resources and money to hire staff and contractors to identify and schedule records disposition and training. Until recently, it was unclear how much progress agencies were making toward meeting their statutory requirements to manage the records necessary to meet their business needs, ensure government accountability and preserve historically valuable records for future generations...

Teamwork pays off for government and industry

Partnerships between public and private sectors improve the range of services available to citizens and make efficient use of resources. About 200,000 people leave the military each year, and many face difficulties when transitioning back to civilian life. They may have medical or housing needs, or require job training to become employable. Each branch of the military provides resources to assist with the transition, but they may not encompass all the services military personnel require to experience a successful transition...

Business intelligence—Changing to a new solution

Many well established business intelligence (BI) solutions are available and new ones are emerging. For a variety of reasons, the best match for a customer at one time may not be the same at a later time. Cost considerations and performance are two of the primary reasons why an organization that is using BI may make a change...

SharePoint|The Reality Series 5
The SharePoint maturity model

In the adoption of SharePoint, a four-stage maturity model is a great way to determine where knowledge gaps exist, what facets require additional education and how to help people expand their use of SharePoint...

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2010

Just as in the past, assembling the Trend-Setting Products list is a collaborative effort with colleagues, market and technology analysts, KM theoreticians and practitioners, customers and a select few savvy users in a variety of disciplines...

Business Intelligence Roundup

Business intelligence (BI) tools are the technology behind your ability to analyze vast amounts of transactional data to interpret trends in business activity. They usually deliver this information in a friendly visual way—charts, graphs—often in a number of side-by-side views called "dashboards." Here's a sampling of current BI tools...

Business Intelligence Product Showcase: QlikView

Trend-Setting Products of 2010
Applied Knowledge Group and
Bridgeline Digital

Trend-Setting Products of 2010
Concept Searching and Ektron

Trend-Setting Products of 2010
Fabasoft and FTI Technology

Trend-Setting Products of 2010
ISYS Search Software and MobilVox

Trend-Setting Products of 2010
Noetix and Oracle Corporation

Trend-Setting Products of 2010
Recommind and Rivet Logic

Trend-Setting Products of 2010
ABBYY USA, EXSYS, eGain, FatWire

Trend-Setting Products of 2010
Northern Light, Siteworx, Omtool, Smartlogic

News Analysis

Google, rich media & the enterprise

Real-time awareness
Breakthrough from Darwin Ecosystem


David Weinberger

The long form of webby knowledge

We have a very clear idea of what knowledge looks like in this culture, especially at its high end. At its low end, the picture gets fuzzy...

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