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Biographical Information

Lulit Tesfaye

Practice Lead for Data and Information Management, Enterprise Knowledge

Articles by Lulit Tesfaye

AI 100 Trailblazer: Enterprise Knowledge - Leading at the Intersection of Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence

AI has the potential to transform how organizations do business, combining an organization's wealth of knowledge, information, and data, in all its forms, to help people make decisions, spot trends, learn, and perform in new ways. However, none of that can come to fruition without the right foundations of quality content, appropriate structure, and consistent mapping and design of relationships.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Enterprise Knowledge - It is Time to Make Real Progress on Your AI Journey

Effective KM programs are a key enabler of AI. Without information structure, knowledge capture and sharing processes, and long-term governance over content, AI will fail. Good KM enables AI, and AI in turn can be an enabler of KM.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Enterprise Knowledge - Taking Enterprise AI from Strategy, to Prototyping, to Scaled Implementations

What separates EK as a leader in this space is our 70+ full-time experts that bring combination of discrete disciplines, including library and information science, data science and ML engineering, ontology and knowledge graphs, and Agile facilitation and change management, with long track records of success culled from our past experiences of delivering over 100 advanced KM solutions.