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Visualization: The New E-Discovery Paradigm

1. Before the “e” was in e-discovery, legal teams manually separated and clustered relevant documents together to understand the relevant facts.

2. A lot has changed since then. We’ve moved to online software that provides functionality to do the e-discovery process faster, but not necessarily better.

3. At the end of the day, you’re still going through the whole e-discovery process before you find the important materials and understand the key concepts within the matter.

4. But, there is a better way to do e-discovery. Analytics tools enable you to visualize and summarize data. They can present multiple data points and enable you to drill down into important data.

5. You can also find key facts earlier in the process. This can help you reduce the amount of data to collect, process and review. Overall, this leads to a dramatic reduction in your e-discovery costs.

6. However, reducing cost isn’t the only advantage. You will better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case and be more effective at developing case strategy.

To learn more about how you can use analytics to find important case facts, please visit www.ftitechnology.com.

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