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Trend-Setting Products of 2012: Mindbreeze: Mindbreeze InSite

A revelation in website search.
Traditional website search doesn't work. It's slow, clunky and floods you with thousands of unordered search results. On active websites, this ensures that your content quickly becomes lost, buried under the sheer volume of information.

InSite changes this. With powerful semantic understanding and an intuitive search and navigation system, InSite allows website visitors to pinpoint their desired page in moments. Searching across your multiple websites, blogs and social media through one search box, InSite revolutionizes your user's experience: removing hassle, encouraging interaction and delivering information.

Simple to implement. Simple to maintain.
There's no software, no maintenance and InSite constantly updates its database, ensuring that content can be found whether it was created five minutes ago or five years ago. Run from high performance cloud servers there is no strain on your website and no long installation process. Simply by adding the embed code to your website, InSite becomes fully functional in just a few minutes, providing an exceptionally fast return on investment.

InSite also offers powerful and flexible customization, ensuring that both the search and aesthetics can be tailored to best fit your website's needs.

Unlock the potential of your website and experience InSite with a free trial at www.mindbreeze.com

Mindbreeze InSite. Illuminating Information.


101 Federal Street Suite 1900
Boston, MA 02110
Phone: 617.342.7117
Contact: office@mindbreeze.com

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